What Pure Fibre can do for Scotland's businesses

Dark fibre is a term used to define fibre optic infrastructure that isn’t currently activated. Networks of dark fibre exist beneath many cities and hold the potential to improve connectivity for countless businesses. Fibre is referred to as ‘dark’ when not in use i.e. activated, as the transfer of data lights up the cables. Once activated, a dark fibre network is sometimes referred to as Pure Fibre.

You can use this Pure Fibre to create your own private network for your business and its operations. A Pure Fibre network can run up to 100 times faster than most business connections and offer greater bandwidth to access your cloud, with sharing of centralised files. Nowadays a private Pure Fibre network is becoming increasingly affordable for smaller businesses.

Edinburgh has the largest network of Pure Fibre in the UK, with the 150km Pure Fibre network now connecting over 300 council sites and numerous businesses. Our partnership with CityFibre has helped transform the Scottish capital into a city that rivals fellow gigabit cities such as Seoul, Stockholm and Kansas City.

Why would my business need a Pure Fibre connection?

The business benefits of using dark fibre to create a Pure Fibre connection are numerous. From increased productivity thanks to faster speeds and a reliable connection, to the future potential for upgrading as your business grows. Plus, despite the plethora of perks, it’s now becoming even more financially viable for smaller enterprises. Using a Pure Fibre connection is a savvy move for switched on business owners.

Pure Fibre can benefit your business if you want to:

  • Adopt cloud services, such as data storage and backup
  • Use SAN replication to keep your system backed up
  • Use voice and unified communications across your business
  • Use HD video streaming or multi-user video conferencing
  • Share files with colleagues and/or different business premises
  • Let your employees work remotely

Enjoying access to the latest technology and tools can set you apart from the competition. Plus if your business is more reliable and efficient, your customers will be happy - and so will you.

If you’re based in Edinburgh, Glasgow or Aberdeen, get in touch with us today and find out how you can take advantage of Pure Fibre in your city.